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Learning Java in 60 days is an ambitious goal, but with dedication and structured learning, it’s definitely achievable. Here’s a breakdown of what you might aim to cover each week:

Week 1-2: Introduction to Java Basics
– **Day 1-2**: Set up your Java development environment (install JDK, IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse).
– **Day 3-5**: Learn basic syntax, variables, data types, and operators.
– **Day 6-7**: Understand control flow structures (if-else, loops).

### Week 3-4: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Fundamentals
– **Day 8-10**: Learn about classes and objects.
– **Day 11-14**: Dive into inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

### Week 5-6: Advanced OOP Concepts and Java Collections
– **Day 15-17**: Understand interfaces, abstract classes, and packages.
– **Day 18-21**: Learn about Java Collections Framework (ArrayList, HashMap, etc.) and generics.

### Week 7: Exception Handling, File Handling, and Multithreading
– **Day 22-24**: Explore exception handling in Java.
– **Day 25-28**: Learn about reading/writing files and handling file operations.
– **Day 29-35**: Get an introduction to multithreading and concurrency.

### Week 8: Advanced Topics and Projects
– **Day 36-42**: Dive into more advanced topics like JavaFX (for GUI), JDBC (database connectivity), and maybe a bit of web development with Servlets or Spring Boot.
– **Day 43-56**: Work on small projects to solidify your understanding. Build simple applications like a calculator, address book, or basic game.
– **Day 57-60**: Review and reinforce weak areas. Practice coding exercises and challenges on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank.

### Tips:
– **Consistency is key**: Practice coding every day, even if it’s just for 30 minutes.
– **Use multiple resources**: Combine textbooks, online tutorials, and videos to get a comprehensive understanding.
– **Hands-on practice**: Build projects to apply what you’ve learned.
– **Seek help when stuck**: Utilize forums like Stack Overflow or communities like Reddit’s r/learnjava.
– **Review regularly**: Concepts in Java build on each other, so make sure to periodically review what you’ve learned.

Remember, learning to code is a journey, and it’s okay to take more time if needed. Good luck with your Java learning journey!

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